I have recently enabled Managed Environments on a large production CRM instance and did some research on this before we did it, so I thought I would share my findings to help others.
Before going into it, the reason that we enabled Managed Envionrments was to get access to Azure Application Insights Monitoring which is now only avaiable to Managed Environments.
Q1 Will I still be able to create, publish, export and import unmanaged solutions along with managed solutions
>>YES umanaged solutions can still be installed in a managed environment
Q2 - If I switch over a environment to a managed one how does it effect end users if any (apart from more control on an admin level does it have any immediate affects or issues for end users).
>>YES As long as users have a CRM license , Enterprise, Sales, Service, Field Service or Teams are fine.
Q3 - If there are issues, is it easy to roll it back to an unmanaged environment?
Q4 - Licensing requirements are a bit vague (
https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/power-platform/admin/managed-environment-licensing) this page said that every user running an app must have either a Power Apps per user or a Dynamics 365 enterprise license. What about end users who just use Dynamics 365 apps like Customer Service hub or Sales hub? What about Team Member users on a Team Member license only accessing the Team Member app? Are they ok with just a pro license or a Team Member license or does every user need a enterprise?
>> NO, every user does not need Enterprise, see answer to Q2 above,.
The other question would be the customer Insights Journey and Data licensing which seems to be based off interacted users.
It's all quite confusing and I can't find much info on it online. Apart from the benefits which seems amazing (especially the data retention policy and moving active data into inactive data in the datalake).