Hi community,
I have the following problem. I setup CDN in Azure and now want to take advantage of it in Dynamics 365. Does anyone know where the variable
{{marketingcdn}} is to be set ? This is used in marketing emails and elsewhere, but I cannot find where it is set.
Also does anyone know if File Storage in D365 can be directly connected to Azure Blob bypassing the SQL storage ? Any documentation anywhere ?
I'm not talking about the PowerBI setup using Azure Blob documented by MS.
Thank you for any help.
I did some more investigation and found out there is a CDN Configuration entity (which is actually responsible for another error - see my other post.) However this enity is locked and not for editing, so you even cannot show it somewhere. However you can query the content via REST API. There is one CDN listed but apparently is not enabled. From the security I can see there is an option for system administrator to add CDN configuration there via REST, but before going further, is there any experience out there with this ? You guys do not use CDN for your assets in marketing emails and sites ?
CDN Configuration record:
"msdyncrm_cdnenabled": "false",
"msdyncrm_publicassetscdn": "mktdplp102cdn.azureedge.net/.../1.33.1023.0",
"_modifiedby_value": null,
"modifiedon": null,
"statuscode": null,
"timezoneruleversionnumber": null,
"overriddencreatedon": null,
"statecode": null,
"_owningbusinessunit_value": null,
"utcconversiontimezonecode": null,
"_ownerid_value": null,
"_createdonbehalfby_value": null,
"_createdby_value": null,
"msdyncrm_cdnconfigurationid": null,
"createdon": null,
"msdyncrm_name": null,
"_modifiedonbehalfby_value": null,
"_owninguser_value": null,
"versionnumber": null,
"importsequencenumber": null,
"_owningteam_value": null