RE: Web Viewer Message "Sorry something went wrong and report did not export" when export to Excel is selected in the WebView for Management Reporter
This error is usually caused by an invalid character somewhere in the data that is being exported. This can be a difficult thing to track down. I'd start by trying to narrow down where it happens. If you generate it for last month, does it happen? If you can narrow it down to what month it happens in, that will help.
You may want to do a File | Save As on the row and use that in the report. Then delete half the rows and try it again. Do you get the error? If you do, delete some more rows and try it again. See if you can narrow it down to the account it happens for.
If you can narrow it down to the month and an account, then you can run a statement like this against the GP company database:
select REFRENCE, * from GL20000 where OPENYEAR = 2023 and PERIODID = 1
*replace the OPENYEAR and PERIODID with the dates that apply to your situation.
If you know the account it happens for, then you can look up the account index in the GL00100 table and then query that:
select REFRENCE, * from GL20000 where OPENYEAR = 2023 and PERIODID = 1 and ACTINDX = xx
*replace the OPENYEAR, PERIODID, and ACTINDX with the dates that apply to your situation.
What usually happens is you find an odd character in the REFRECE column. That can't be export to Excel and you get the error message.
Once you find this, you can update the data and replace/remove the odd character that you find.