been trying to find a solution for this. on our case entity we have custom lookup that we are using as dynamic picklist . on this picklist entity we have a plugin to translate the data (format of the lookup values are english|french) the translation plugin works great but we have come up with stumbling block when trying to use email templates. the issue is not adding the lookup filed (that i figured out), it's that the field dont translate .
the way our plugin works is the entity as 3 field on the entity
- ls_name
- ls_nameEN
- ls_nameFR
when we create a record , the ls name is remaped to the values of ls_nameEN + | + ls_nameFR
we then create attach a plugin on the retrieve and retrieve multiple of the record that has the lookup to display the right or left side of the pipe depending on the language
now here is our problem i cant seem to get a hock into the Instantiatetemplate action (or a message point that will retrieve the data) so the field don't translate . I'm looking for help in determining the following :
- is there a message point that i can attach to trigger my translation module
- is there a message point that i can use to enhance the Instantiatetemplate Action
- i'm i stuck having to create my own module that calls a custom Action to build my email template and apply it to the email record