Hello there,
i am currently having an Issue using SQL Server Reporting Services to get the Marketing Insights Data from an Dynamics 365 CE Online (v9.1) Instance.
I am bulding the Report with Reporting Authoring Extension in Visual Studio 2015.
I need to get all Marketing Insights Data (Email clicked, send etc) according to a single Contact in Dynamics 365 due to GDPR policy.
There is a specific API Action Call for this purpose (msdyncrm_LoadInteractionsPublic). I am able to access this Action trough SSRS using a XML Query against the Dynamics API and passing Parameters to it.
Because of Limitation i can only use anonymus Authentification or integrated Security Windows Authenification.
When i want to exeute the Query against the API Action using anonymus Auth i get a 401 Unauthorized Error back.
If i use a LogIn prompt and using my Dev user (which is a Azure Active Directory User) i get the response that my credentials are wrong.
As far as i figured out, i have to use a Azure AD Authentification becuase the Marketing Insights Data are stored somewhere in the Azure Cloud.
I registered an app/the user(?) in the Azure Portal to use Common Data Services to get a Client ID but i dont know how to use it with SSRS.
Is there any possibility to connect SSRS to use Azure AD Authentification?
Or is there another way to get these data?
Thankful for every hint.
best regard