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Microsoft Dynamics NAV (Archived)

Dynamics NAV Query - Left outer join using a constant

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I would like to create a NAV Query which joins "Purchase Header" > "Purchase Line" > Item, creating a Left Outer Join that would look like this:  

"Purchase Line".Type = 'Item' AND "Purchase Line"."No." = Item."No."

The DataItemLink helper seems only to be able to join on table fields, not on hard constants. Is there a way around this? I've tried using a statement in DataItemLink like Purchase_Line.Type='Item',No.=Purchase_Line."No." but this results in the following error: 

'_Line.Type='Item',No.=Purchase_Line."No." is not an option. The existing options are: =

*This post is locked for comments

  • RE: Dynamics NAV Query - Left outer join using a constant

    I am confused with this issue: I see in 2013 R2 there is indeed a "Left Outer Join" and a possible filter on either the table or the column itself.  I tried filtering for null and a value to get the left join... Can we officially confirm we cannot have an outer join with a column filter?

  • RE: Dynamics NAV Query - Left outer join using a constant

    Thank you. Unfortunate.

  • Verified answer
    RE: Dynamics NAV Query - Left outer join using a constant

    Unfortunately you can't add filter conditions to the JOIN with the current Query design.
    The DataItemTableFilter (and SETRANGE) adds the filter condition to the SQL WHERE clause. This is by design see: Understanding Query Filters

    Good suggestion for a Query enhancement :-)

  • RE: Dynamics NAV Query - Left outer join using a constant

    Unfortunately it's as I expected. It doesn't work..

    A SQL trace clearly shows it's ending up in the where statement. 

    	TOP (1000) ISNULL("Purchase_Header"."No_",@2) AS "purchase_header_no",
    	ISNULL("Purchase_Header"."Document Type",@3) AS "doc_type",
    	ISNULL("Purchase_Header"."Buy-from Vendor No_",@2) AS "vendor_no",
    	ISNULL("Purchase_Line"."Document Type",@3) AS "line_doc_type",
    	ISNULL("Purchase_Line"."Buy-from Vendor No_",@2) AS "line_vendor_no",
    	ISNULL("Purchase_Line"."Document No_",@2) AS "line_doc_no",
    	ISNULL("Purchase_Line"."Line No_",@4) AS "line_line_no",
    	ISNULL("Purchase_Line"."Type",@3) AS "line_type",
    	ISNULL("Purchase_Line"."No_",@2) AS "line_no",
    	ISNULL("Item"."No_",@2) AS "item_no",
    	ISNULL("Item"."Description",@5) AS "item_descr" 
    	"db".dbo."Company$Purchase Header" AS "Purchase_Header" 
    	JOIN "db".dbo."Company$Purchase Line" AS "Purchase_Line" 
    	WITH(READUNCOMMITTED)  ON ("Purchase_Line"."Document Type"="Purchase_Header"."Document Type" AND "Purchase_Line"."Document No_"="Purchase_Header"."No_") LEFT OUTER JOIN "db".dbo."Company$Item" AS "Item" 
    	WITH(READUNCOMMITTED)  ON ("Item"."No_"="Purchase_Line"."No_") 
    	("Purchase_Header"."Document Type"=@0 AND "Purchase_Header"."No_"=@1) 
    	AND (ISNULL("Purchase_Line"."Type",@3)=@6) 
    ORDER BY "doc_type" ASC,"purchase_header_no" ASC,"line_doc_type" ASC,"line_doc_no" ASC,"line_line_no" ASC,"item_no" ASC 
    exec sp_execute 12,@0=1,@1=N'IOR00026',@2=N'',@3=0,@4=0,@5=N'',@6=2

  • keoma Profile Picture
    keoma 32,675 on at
    RE: Dynamics NAV Query - Left outer join using a constant

    you will see ...

  • RE: Dynamics NAV Query - Left outer join using a constant

    That sounds like it would have the same effect as setting the DataItemTableFilter, but I will give it a try on monday.

  • keoma Profile Picture
    keoma 32,675 on at
    RE: Dynamics NAV Query - Left outer join using a constant

    edit c/al code (F9)

    write under trigger OnBeforeOpen()


  • RE: Dynamics NAV Query - Left outer join using a constant

    This does not work, because DataItemTableFilter is like using the where statement. That would cause filtering out of Purchase Line rows, effectively make the join an inner join instead of an outer join. I want all of the purchase line rows. But only join Item to the purchase line rows where type=item.

    Or perhaps i'm doing something wrong, ofcourse ;)

  • keoma Profile Picture
    keoma 32,675 on at
    RE: Dynamics NAV Query - Left outer join using a constant

    use property DataItemTableFilter to filter for constant values.

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