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At the time of Registration on CRM 365 Web Portal restrict user to not to do anything till confirm Email

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Hello guys,

After registration on 365 CRM Web Portal the system didn't restrict user to not to do anything until confirm Email; that behavior is not acceptable if you take a look on any website which require registration you cannot do any thing until you confirm your account from Email. We want this sort of behavior can anyone help us into this.


  • cloflyMao Profile Picture
    cloflyMao 25,202 on at
    RE: At the time of Registration on CRM 365 Web Portal restrict user to not to do anything till confirm Email

    Hi farooq,

    I agree with Robert.

    You can achieve it by invitation.

    Here are steps.

    1.create a contact from portal.

    Create a new form or add a tab in an existing form which will contain all fields required.

    Create a new entity form for contact entity use the above mentioned form/tab.

    Use this entity form on the web page.

    2.Trigger a workflow by record is created in contact entity.


    (1) create the records in the Invitation entity and set properties.



    (2) Call the managed child workflow named Send Invitation.



    (3) sets the value of the email confirmed value to true.



    (4) click save and active button.



  • Robert Bailey Profile Picture
    Robert Bailey 20 on at
    RE: At the time of Registration on CRM 365 Web Portal restrict user to not to do anything till confirm Email


    Yes, given that you don't want them to be able to complete their profile, you'll need to take the second path i suggested:

    "The second way to do this is by not allowing users to register except by invitation

    In order to receive an invite, they must fill out a registration form, which will just be an entity form.  The entity form will create a record for the contact, and trigger a process to send an invite to their email. Make sure that this process also sets the value of the "email confirmed" boolean value on their contact record to true."

    So in other words, you do not let them use the OOTB registration method at all without invitation - rather they fill out a separate entity form which creates a contact in the system for them and then trigger invitation process for that contact.  Does that make sense?

  • RE: At the time of Registration on CRM 365 Web Portal restrict user to not to do anything till confirm Email

    Hi Robert,

    Thanks for your help now I am facing this issue when user register itself system redirects user to its profile update form; we want to restrict user not to do anything till confirmation even its profile update

  • RE: At the time of Registration on CRM 365 Web Portal restrict user to not to do anything till confirm Email

    Hi Clofly,

    Thanks for your help now I am facing this issue when user register itself system redirects user to its profile update form; we want to restrict user not to do anything till confirmation even its profile update

  • cloflyMao Profile Picture
    cloflyMao 25,202 on at
    RE: At the time of Registration on CRM 365 Web Portal restrict user to not to do anything till confirm Email

    Hi farooq,

    I agree with Robert.

    You can create a web role and set any permission firstly.

    Then you can create a workflow to assign web role to the user, which will be triggered on  update of the contact record's "email confirmed" boolean value to true.

    Here are steps.

    1.Create a workflow.


    2. Set condition.


    3.Assign web role.




    4.Click Save and Active button.



    when users sign up, go to profile to confirm will send an email include link to you.


    After clicking link, you will see.


    Your Email Confirmed field will be checked, then it will trigger workflow.




  • Robert Bailey Profile Picture
    Robert Bailey 20 on at
    RE: At the time of Registration on CRM 365 Web Portal restrict user to not to do anything till confirm Email

    Hi farooq,

    There are two ways to do this.

    Using the default registration method, You'll need to make use of Web Roles in order to achieve this:

    Create a new web role specifically to store the set of permissions that you wish users to gain after confirming their email.  Use Web Page access control rules ( to block access to any pages that you want to be locked to users that haven't confirmed their email yet. Use Entity permissions to lock down views and forms the same way, and forum rules to lock down forums.

    By default, when users sign up, they won't get the web role.  But, you'll create a process that will trigger on update of the contact record's "email confirmed" boolean value to true, which will assign the web role to that user.

    The second way to do this is by not allowing users to register except by invitation only:

    In order to receive an invite, they must fill out a registration form, which will just be an entity form.  The entity form will create a record for the contact, and trigger a process to send an invite to their email. Make sure that this process also sets the value of the "email confirmed" boolean value on their contact record to true.

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