We had a custom form with VBA that was working fine in GP 2016
After upgrading to 2018.3 the form is throwing an error Object Not Found 424 ( I have highlighted where the VBA breaks)
sqlstring = "SELECT isnull(sum(HOURSAVAILABLE_I),0) as HOURSAVAILABLE_I FROM TATM1030 WHERE TIMECODE_I = 'VACTC' and empid_I = '" & RTrim(EmployeeID) & "'"
' ADO Command
cmd.ActiveConnection = cn
' adCmdText
cmd.CommandType = 1
' Command
cmd.CommandText = sqlstring
Debug.Print sqlstring
' Pass through SQL
Set rst = cmd.Execute
If Not (rst.EOF And rst.BOF) Then
HRAttendEndBal1.Value = RTrim(rst!HOURSAVAILABLE_I) * 0.01
I understand VBA is going away - but this is simple form that has been working for sometime and now after the upgrade it is broken.