Application metadata is stored in the application layer, not in database. It means in source code files (before compilation) and .NET assemblies, runtime metadata files etc. in the actual application.
The easiest way to get tables with a particular value of a property is using Metadata search in Visual Studio. In more advanced scenarios, you can use the metadata API, which is what Alex has done in his blog post.
as the search for data entities and related tables and fields are often time consuming I've created a entity and table search tool, it is currently based on V10.0.38.
You can refer to this blog: The article describes how to create an Excel file, which has a centralized source of information surrounding FO data entities metadata, the data sources used (both root data source and all data sources), and the way to see dependencies between different data entities. You can also refer to this official document: System tables - Finance & Operations | Dynamics 365 | Microsoft Learn. This article contains the documentation available for the System classes.
Best regards,
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