I have an Account Account A, Account Owner = "Smith" and Custom Entity B.
Relationship 1:N and Relationship Type is Configurable cascading.
Assign, Share and Unshare = Cascade All
Reparent = Cascade Active
Delete = Remove Link
Merge = Cascade All
In custom entity B, I have 2 fields Owner and Sales representatives.
If any sales representative will create a new record in Custom entity B, he is the owner and he is the sales representative for his/her own records.
Sales representative C and SalesRepresentative D are in the same business unit the same security roles and associated with Account A.
Now one of my team members changes the Account A Owner to "Robin" in account entity.
All the Owner of the associated record changes to "Robin" in custom entity B.
Now Sales representative C reports that he can't able to see his own records, but SalesRepresentative D can able to see his records without any issue.
Let me know what went wrong in this scenario, why the Sales representative C can't able to view his owned records in CRM.
One possibility here is that D is a member of a Team that C is not, and the access is being granted to D that way. One option that you may be able to take here to mitigate the situation is to enable the "share reassigned records with original owner" setting within System Settings. If these details do not lead to a solution, I would look for clues in the PrincipalObjectAccess table to see if something else triggered a share to D that didn't happen for C.
Yes, C and D are having same security roles
I would first check to see if C and D have to same security roles
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