Hi All,
Challenge: Proposal of picking location based on required container size.
I have requirement based on the carton size. I have two packing lines in the warehouse where the packing happens. Line 1 has only one fixed size (Size A) of carton. While Line 2 has cartons with different sizes (Size B, Size C and Size D). Picking locations are located right next to the lines and the warehouse worker picks item and places it in the carton. The carton is then sent to Baydoor. Priority is given to Line 1.
Scenario 1: Sales order has three Products on it. And the three products fits in Size A. Requirement - System should propose the carton (Size A) to use and propose pick location near to Line 1.
Scenario 2: Sales order has three Products on it. And the three products fits in Size C. Requirement - System should propose the carton (Size C) to use and propose the picking location near to Line 2.
I have setup the Container types - Grouped them into one. But when I release the order to warehouse, system proposes the picking location of location near to line 1 irrespective of the container type (Container type is proposed correctly) as Locations near Line 1 has the priority in Location directive. I have not found any option to control the picking logic based on the container type.
Further, when I see the wave execution, first the Location directive decides the location, then the work template gets executed and then the container is decided. So there is now way I can use 'Containerization' method to control the location directive. Please note packing is more or less automated.
I think I am missing some options here. I am hoping that someone has already implemented this. Any suggestions are really appreciated.