RE: problems Installation demo data field service
I was about to give up also after trying to install demo data for a good few hours over different days....
Until i found this thread! which answer a stumbling block and helped me find the next solution, this is what i did;
- I followed this page How to Install Field Service & PSA Sample Data to figure out what i needed to prepare to set up sample data
- YES follow what it says (US currency, Changing permisisons, work hours, .xml files, user names to suit your environment)
- I used Shayan Soheili solution for the first issue i came across which was the the answer to the "user davids could not be found"
But i straight away then found myself with this "Schema Validation" Issue like your describing :(
I then found that i had 2 different sets of Demo Data one was FPSDemoData_v2_0_0_1.exe and the other was FPSDemoData_v2_0_0_2.exe not sure why but anyway ...... Next i tried to run the newer version of the install thinking that would of fixed everything from the first version but it kept throwing me back to the main screen and looping me to "Please select Org as you have multiple available" which lead me to start comparing the files from both and i did the following
i used the following 3 files from v2_0_0_2 and copied them over the top of the v2_0_0_1 directory
- ImportUserMapFile.xml
NOTE - update the .xml to suit your environment and also keep the first name last name entry at the map accordingly (vinergy is my domain but change to suit yours)
<UserMapping UserFullname="First name Last name" Old="" New="" />
Then i ran the v2_0_0_1 installer with the new v2_0_0_2 data and it actually works!!!! so it seems to be that the packages from the newer version and minor changes to the scripting ran with the older version of the package deployer worked for me.
hope that helps and if nothing else hope it sparks the right direction for you to resolve.
Please Tick yes if this Resolved or Help Resolve your Issue ;)