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Error Creating Budget Plan in Dynamics 365 F&O

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When attempting to create a budget plan on the Budget Planning workspace, I receive the following message: 
You do not have access to the budget planning organizations that are included in the following budget planning process.
I have followed the directions this article and I can confirm I have the appropriate user roles assigned including Budget Manager, Budget Clerk, as well as System Administrator.
I have created and published an Organization Hierarchy for /Budgeting/ that consists of Legal Entity > Finance (Department) while also assigning the following Organization hierarchy purposes as per the documentation: Security and Budget planning. I have also made myself the manager of this Organizational Unit (Finance department).
 As far I can tell, I have satisfied the security requirements for budget planning. I've been over the above documentation (and more) searching for a solution, what could I possibly be missing?
  • Suggested answer
    Gaurangkumar Jani Profile Picture
    Gaurangkumar Jani 4,511 User Group Leader on at
    Error Creating Budget Plan in Dynamics 365 F&O
    Hi there,
    Is it possible for you to send screenshot of configuration you made for security and Budget Planning process?
    It seems like your configuration of Budget planning process is not configure as per your security configuration.
    CA Gaurangkumar Jani
  • Hetal Gore Profile Picture
    Hetal Gore 47 on at
    Error Creating Budget Plan in Dynamics 365 F&O
    Did you get anywhere with this?
    I have a similar problem. I have created a hierarchy with multiple LEs and i have assigned both Budget Planning and Security purpose to the hierarchy, but i still can't view existing budgets. 
    Can someone advise what i could be missing?
    Kind Regards,
  • Suggested answer
    Hana Xue Profile Picture
    Hana Xue Microsoft Employee on at
    Error Creating Budget Plan in Dynamics 365 F&O
    It seems like you have already set up the relevant settings. Have you assigned the organization after granting the user the role? Is configuring user security performed within the context of your company?
    Not sure which step is missing, but this article has detailed steps for budget configuration and comes with screenshots. You can check it step by step according to the steps described in the article.
    dynamics-365-unified-operations-public/articles/finance/budgeting/ at main · MicrosoftDocs/dynamics-365-unified-operations-public · GitHub
    Best Regards,

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