Dear Experts please help me to rectify the issue in printing of sales invoice, as in our CST number contains 11 digits but it is printing only 10 digits.
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Dear Experts please help me to rectify the issue in printing of sales invoice, as in our CST number contains 11 digits but it is printing only 10 digits.
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Click, Tools -> Object designer
Select reports on the left, then select report 206
Click Design (At the bottom)
Select View (At the top) -> Sections
Drag the CST number field a little bigger (Making it longer to fit the extra character)
Escape out and save when prompted
Always make a backup before making any changes
Dear Experts advice me the process to correct the CST line(i.e CST number line) in our Sales invoice using the classic.
it is RDLC, please suggest me the process to increase the field size, Or i can acess to classic also.
Please give me the process to change my CST number change in classic.
is it a classic or a RDLC report?
classic: increase the size of the field for the CST number.
RDLC layout: increase the field size, or set the "CanGrow" property of the field. But caution: this can also mean it grows to a multiline printout.
with best regards
André Arnaud de Cal...
Super User 2025 Season 1
Martin Dráb
Most Valuable Professional