I need help on automated filter on lookup.
So here is the case. When I click on any "Customer Account" lookup say in "Sales order form" I can filter it by just typing some text in the field. If I type the customer name it filters the customers and show only those records in lookup which matches the text entered in the lookup field. How this can be done for any custom field?
I have a EDT "XY" and have used it as a primary key in a table "ABC" which has 2 fields "XY" and "Description". I have set the "Table reference" property on EDT to "ABC".
When I use this field in any form it is showing me the lookup of the data in table "ABC". But I want if I enter some value which matches the "Description" field of my table it should filter the record in lookup.
It is filtering the records fine if I enter text matching to "XY" field but not for "Description".
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