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Form Submission Alert (To Myself & Other Employees)

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In customer journey, I would like to create a set up whereby other employees and I will receive an alert via e-mail (to occur when there is a new submission in marketing form).

Goal: To provide personal particulars of the user to employees

I can see that Launch workflows is the solution for this (based on Microsoft's guide)


I attempted to configure a flow in Power Automate and Processes (Settings > Process Center > Processes) while hoping either one flow will appear in Launch Workflows search box, but it did not happened.

Power Automate: I've created a flow under My Flows.


I've also added Dynamics 365 in Connections for this flow. However, this flow cannot be identified by D365 in customer journey. The e-mail is to identify the user's particulars who submitted the form.

Processes: The primary entity is Marketing Form Submission, and I activate the form. The configuration for check condition is more complicated and I am not sure if it's done correctly.


In addition, in Send E-mail, I am not able to configure the e-mail in the same manner as the one seen in Power Automate image above.


I stopped my attempts here upon having no idea how to proceed further since both flows seems to be missing in D365.

Can anyone please advise further on the rectify my attempts, or other methods to achieve the goal of the workflow? Any suggestions are much appreciated.

Thank you.


  • Suggested answer
    cloflyMao Profile Picture
    cloflyMao 25,202 on at
    RE: Form Submission Alert (To Myself & Other Employees)

    Hi JP,

    As what documentation said, the workflow tile of customer journey could be only on-demand type, and its source entity could be Contact entity only.

    We should note that either with workflow or flow, the email to contacts will be only sent one time, which is by design of customer journey.

    If you would like to send notification email to contacts in each time of submission, then you could instead refer to method in following thread:



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