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Is there a way to easily add a company logo on the Event Website for Dynamics 365 Marketing?

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I would like to add a company logo on the out of the box D356 Marketing Event Website - is there any way of easily doing this without downloading the website package, etc.?

Mary Ann

  • cloflyMao Profile Picture
    cloflyMao 25,202 on at
    RE: Is there a way to easily add a company logo on the Event Website for Dynamics 365 Marketing?

    Hi Mary,


    Look forward to your reply. :)



  • maan_castro18 Profile Picture
    maan_castro18 5 on at
    RE: Is there a way to easily add a company logo on the Event Website for Dynamics 365 Marketing?

    Thank you so much Clofly, will try that approach

  • Suggested answer
    cloflyMao Profile Picture
    cloflyMao 25,202 on at
    RE: Is there a way to easily add a company logo on the Event Website for Dynamics 365 Marketing?

    Hi Mary,

    You can use following approach to achieve it without downloading the website package.

    1. Create a local css file called mycustomstyles.css with following styles.

    You can upload your company logo to Files and copy its URL to the url property here.

    #home-button {
      background-image: url('yourCompanyLogoURL');
      background-repeat: no-repeat;
      background-size: cover;
      color: transparent;

    2. Open EventManagementApp web template, link our custom style sheet to its source code.


    3. Create a new web file, set both Name and Partial URL field to the custom css file name.

    Set its Parent Page to EventManagementApp and its Website to Event Portal.


    Before uploading custom file, keep the web file record in Draft status:


    Navigate to Notes tab, upload the custom css file as note attachment.


    Back to General tab, change the Publishing State to Published.


    Now we have overwritten the original Home text to custom image.


    How does the approach work:

    The default "Home" is a block and it has a unique id name: home-button. 

    Therefore, we set a background image to the element, and use "color: transparent" to hide the text.



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