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Changing Quote Status Reason

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Hi Community
I edited Status Reason field, added some statuses, changed the default value. Unfortunately I was not able to see status reason transition. Is this feature still available in Dynamics 365 or moved some where else?

Thank you

  • Suggested answer
    LeoAlt Profile Picture
    LeoAlt 16,331 on at
    RE: Changing Quote Status Reason

    Hi partner,

    So you mean that you have a quote subgrid in opportunity form, and you want to modify the quote status in bulk in opportunity form?

    If so, you could convert the subgrid from read-only to editable.

    Go to opportunity form editor, open the quote subgrid properties, under control tab.


    Click on "Add Control" and select "Editable Grid".



    Save and publish.





    But unfortunately we could not edit the status in editable grid, it is by design :-(



  • kalhelo Profile Picture
    kalhelo 20 on at
    RE: Changing Quote Status Reason

    This one is good work around solution. But the users will not like it, any other easier to use solution. I might relate the quote to opportunity. But then for each opportunity, I might have many quotes with different state code and status codes and I need to be able to change the status code (status reason) when the state code is active (read-only)

  • Suggested answer
    LeoAlt Profile Picture
    LeoAlt 16,331 on at
    RE: Changing Quote Status Reason

    Hi partner,

    The best way to modify records in bulk in D365 is using excel to import data or using excel online to modify the records online.

    1.Export the excel template and edit the records in excel and import them to D365.


    2.Using Excel Online.


    Then we could edit all the records directly online and save them.


    If my answer helped you, please mark my answer as verified so that we could help other users with similar issues.

    Best Regards,


  • Suggested answer
    Marco.P Profile Picture
    Marco.P 2,405 on at
    RE: Changing Quote Status Reason

    You can try the data import with Excel!

    Please mark as verified if the answer is helpful. 

  • kalhelo Profile Picture
    kalhelo 20 on at
    RE: Changing Quote Status Reason

    What about changing the values for (state or status) for multiple records at a time. It seems you can do it thru my views then edit selected records Is other there ways/options to do it?

  • LeoAlt Profile Picture
    LeoAlt 16,331 on at
    RE: Changing Quote Status Reason

    Hi partner,

    Unfortuantely, Quote is an OOB entity and it not supports customizations regarding to Status field :-(



  • Suggested answer
    Marco.P Profile Picture
    Marco.P 2,405 on at
    RE: Changing Quote Status Reason
    [quote user="kalhelo"]

    Can we modify the status "Draft" to "Initial"? Can we add more status? I hope that the status are not  hardcoded? 

    I tried Status Reason and I was able to add/modify but sure if I can do it with the other field?



    You can customize only status reason(statuscode) not the status (statecode) !

  • kalhelo Profile Picture
    kalhelo 20 on at
    RE: Changing Quote Status Reason

    Can we modify the status "Draft" to "Initial"? Can we add more status? I hope that the status are not  hardcoded? 

    I tried Status Reason and I was able to add/modify but sure if I can do it with the other field?

  • LeoAlt Profile Picture
    LeoAlt 16,331 on at
    RE: Changing Quote Status Reason

    Hi partner,

    I created a workflow to set the status reason to "Active" in default when create quotes and it worked well.

    You need to choose the "Scope" to "Organization".



    In addition, the status of quotes are by design, and I did not find the way to add a new status into it, so could you please share some screenshots?



  • kalhelo Profile Picture
    kalhelo 20 on at
    RE: Changing Quote Status Reason

    Thank you Adrian and Leo.

    The status Draft is some how confusing to the user when entering Quotes. I went to customizing and added "In-Progress" to Status Reason field and make it default. Still when I open new quote or view the opened quotes at the dashboard still I see draft and not "In-progress".

    I created Workflow to change field status to "In-progress" when new record created but still that did not help.

    Any recommendations?

    Thank you for your feedback once again

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