I have three flip switch controls (all three of them are Yes/No options) and only one of them should be selected each time and change the status accordingly.
This is the workflow I've made so far, which works only until the first nested 'if'
if (switch1 equals [No] AND switch2 equals [No] and switch3 equals [No]), then:
Change record status to: Case In Progress
Otherwise, if (switch1 equals [Yes] OR switch2 equals [Yes] OR switch3 equals [Yes], then:
If switch1 equals [Yes], then:
Change record status to: Case Switch1
Update: Case (Switch2 to 'No' and Switch3 to 'No')
Otherwise, if switch2 equals [Yes], then:
Change record status to: Case Switch2
Update: Case (Switch1 to 'No' and Switch3 to 'No')
Otherwise, if switch3 equals [Yes], then:
Change record status to: Case Switch3
Update: Case (Switch1 to 'No' and Switch2 to 'No')
Any help would be greatly appreciated.