I had a request today that I have been working on writing a workflow for. But bascially the client wants two fields that they update reguarly to populate a running list of the changes to those fields. Today they currently enter date and copy and paste text manually.
The two fields are Last Contact Date: (Date Only) Subject: (Single line of text (100 characters)) then they copy below to a Detail field which is a Multi Lines of Text 2000 characters.
I was able to write a workflow using the append with operator and it puts the data there correctly when first ran. But when edit text and run workflow again it overwrites it.
So basically they want the following in the detail field and these values would come from the Last Contact Date and Subject fields in the form.
02/26/2020 - Test3
02/22/2020 - Test2
02/21/2020 - Test1
I cannot seem to find a way to do carriage return and append to the field without overwriting it. Does anyone know if this is possible?