Hi everyone,
I am facing an issue.
I have a Policy on a Role.
I created an AOT Query for policy containing only one table InventTransferTable. And add a range on field InventLocationIdFrom.
For value of this range, I created a method in class SysQueryRangeUtil.
I want to only filter those LocationId(s) from InventTransferTable which map the User assigned LocationId. (which come through loop)
Either this LocationId exist in InventLocationIdFrom field or it exist in InventLocationIdTo field. here is the code:
Here is the AOT Query range image:
So when I open the TransferOrder Form, this code generate the following error:
Query extended range failure: Syntax error near 257.
I tried different code but no result.
The main loop have 6 LocationId(s). On 2 to 3 LocationId(s), It did nót get any error.
For the User Assigned Location consider, 1,2,3,4,5,6
Need help for this. Your help will appreciable.