please do you know how to keep filter on form control reference group?
Example: in form there is field "Worker_Requisitioner" (reference group) it shows names of workers. In table there is RecId of HcmWorker.RecId.
I am trying to filter in form *Petr* and do some action but it is going to execute query and it will refresh (it deletes *Petr*) filter. I need to keep that string... and i tried to put code below
find range and keep him but it is not working.
qBR = SysQuery::findOrCreateRange( PurchReqTable_DS.query().dataSourceTable( tableNum(PurchReqTable)), fieldNum(PurchReqTable, Worker_Requisitioner) ); qBR.value( PurchReqTable_DS.queryRun().query().dataSourceTable( tableNum(PurchReqTable)).findRange(fieldNum(PurchReqTable, Worker_Requisitioner)).value() );
Hello Martin,
thank you for reply.
You're wrong in thinking that the *Petr* filter is applied to PurchReqTable.Worker_Requisitioner. As you correctly mentioned, that's a numeric RecId field, therefore such a filter value can't apply to it.
In fact, the range is applied to the HcmWorker table automatically joined to added under the hood to support the reference group.
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