I am brand new to Dynamics CRM. So any background information, YouTubes, etc. that someone could provide to educate myself and bring me up to speed would be greatly appreciated.
I have been assigned a task to create a QA Dynamics CRM Database. A Dynamics CRM Database already exists in our UAT and Production Environments...but not in our QA Environment. I guess we just never had the need until now.
I know that Dynamics CRM is pretty "dynamic" no pun intended...Is this as simple as creating the Dynamics CRM Database on our QA Azure Server and then getting the help of our Network Engineer who is somewhat familiar with Dynamics CRM to "export" and/or "extract" from our upper environment to our QA Environment? I am being told that the UI has additional fields that are being defined for the QA Environment. Kind of begs the question that if the UI has additional data fields being defined, how is it possible to store them and see them if there is no known QA Dynamics CRM Database capitated to the UI. Or maybe that's the point.
I am definitely more of a BI guy than a DBA guy...but I think they're kind of steering me in that direction.
Any help that anyone could provide me for getting this done would be GREATLY appreciated.
Thanks for your review and am hopeful for a reply.
P.S. Is this Forum available in normal MSDN Forums or is the Microsoft Dynamics CRM Forum specific to this 365 Community?