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Staying compliant with PSA license

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Hi, I have a request of giving a user appropriate license and security role in Dynamics CE where we have installed Sales, Customer Service and PSA modules. A user needs to be able to update projects.

Looking at licensing guide it seems that PSA license is not giving rights to do create, update or delete operations on quotes or orders for example. But still some out of the box security roles that come with PSA have a lot of privileges on quotes and orders. Are roles such as Project Manager meant to be used just in combination with Sales Enterprise license? We have some users with Team Member license who do time entries registration for example, but some of them need to help with other stuff occasionally and I am wondering if we have to buy Sales license as well or should I just tailor a custom security role for our need.

I am new to PSA and would appreciate some clarification.

Thanks in advance

  • RE: Staying compliant with PSA license

    Hi, thanks but Team Member apps are way out of scope of my question. My question is regarding PSA licensing and security roles that come with that module out of the box.

    As you can see, Project Manager role gives privileges on quotes and orders for example, but licensing guide is telling us that a user with just a PSA license is not allowed to do CUD operations on these entities. So logical conclusion is that you need additional license to be able to stay compliant if you give this user a Project Manager role. To me it seems that intention is to divide user in two groups, those who will be working with project and must have some sort of sales license (pro or enterprise), and those with Team Member who just submit time sheets and expenses.

    I would appreciate if someone shared their experience with this.

  • Suggested answer
    Yiming  Profile Picture
    Yiming on at
    RE: Staying compliant with PSA license



    Roles such as Project Manager not used just in combination with Sales Enterprise license, you can also assign these roles to other users.


    But in your example, there are some users with Team Member License, please note that MS is rolling out the 'Team Member Enforcement' gradually.  So for your concern is about does a higher security role allow a user to expand the capabilities of the Team Members application restrictions: a higher security role would not give the user access to any additional apps (such as the Sales Hub or the Customer Service Hub) if the user has only a Team Member license.  Through the Team Member applications, restrictions as to the number of entities that they can view are enforced.  By default, the out-of-the-box security roles for Sales Team Member and Customer Service Team Member have been built to keep a user within the compliance boundaries of the license terms of a Team Member license.  These security roles can be modified just like any other security role within Dynamics CE, however increasing the privileges of these security roles to allow additional functionality, such as "Create" privilege for the "Account" entity would take the user beyond what the use rights of a Team Member license entities.  While the ability exists for the user to expose additional functionality to the Team Member application by increasing the access levels and privileges of these default Team Member security roles, it is not recommended to do so as it will no longer ensure compliance with the licensing agreement.


    For compliance reasons, we would suggest that you could buy/assign proper licenses for users to avoid potential risks.


    Reference link:

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