Hi all,
A few weeks ago I created an email template to confirm session registrations.
This worked fine (and is still working), but if I want to adjust the template I suddenly get errors upon validation.
Even when I just edit the existing (live) template, don't adjust anything but directly save I get validation errors.
No idea how this suddenly happened.
In my code I try to retreive the values of 3 fields on the Session Registration entity.
<!-- {{#each contact.msevtmgt_sessionregistration_contact_msevtmgt_contactid }} -->
<!-- {{#if (eq this.msevtmgt_event 'dbf6859e-1337-4719-a265-a7941b9d385c')}} -->
<li>Event: {{this.new_naam}}</li>
<li>Locatie: {{this.new_locatie}}</li>
<li>Start: {{this.new_begintijd}}</li>
<li>Einde: {{this.new_eindtijd}}</li>
<!-- {{/if}} -->
<!-- {{/each}} -->
The template is still working and showing the requested data weird enough.
Error for all 3 fields (with respect. field names): HTML: Dynamic content includes a for-each loop that contains the following expression, which must refer to a property of the looped entity: