Hi experts,
i am trying to post a receipt list but getting error of Inventory dimension Batch number is a primary input/output dimension and must consequently be specified.The issue is New InventDimID is not generating in InventDim Table based on batch number, license plate id and location, as PO item does not contain DimId with all this information because this item is registered from Warehouse mobile device portal that is why contains additional information of batch number, license plate id and location .PO DimId has just Size, Color, Site, Warehouse information.My Question is where and how can i generate new DimId in InventDim and put this in InventTrans Table in x++ while posting Receipt?
Here i am sharing my Query Result,
The correct dim id after posting in that case is DM-26889303 and it is new entry in InventDim Table after posting.How can i achieve that?