I have a service contract that I convert into an service order by running the task ´create contract service orders´
The realesed service orders generated from my service contract starts in status ´Pending´
If I try to generate a new service order from the task ´create contract service orders´ - Nothing happens :-) - So far so good
Now I changes the status to ´ín progress´
I now have a service order SO-001 in status ´in progress´ generated from service contract SC-001
If i run my task ´create contract service orders´ again, my service contract will generate a new service order based on service contract SC-001, eventhough I haven´t completed my ´in progress´service order SO-001
This leaves me with two service orders based on one service contract.
How can prevent this to happend?
I only want to have one service order until I have finished my ín progress´ service order.
Br. Aaberg