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Microsoft Dynamics AX (Archived)

Missing transactions in RetailTransTable in AX 2012 R3

Posted on by 915


We have scenario :

At one store 2 months before db got corrupt due to which we created fresh db and store was operational as normal.

System automatically refresh number sequence and starts from 1, which was not informed to us at start and customer identify this after 2 months transactions . 

till to date , p jobs are running /applied successfully without any message.

Now customer informed us that they could not see july transactions for that specific store in AX HQ i.e. retail transaction inquiry .

After some troubleshoot we found , p jobs were applied in july successfully on daily basis but when we check in tables .  Transactions exist in RetailTranscationSalesTrans but missing in RetailTransactionTable.  Due to which journal statement can't read it and we can't process it further.

We noticed that those missing transactions are using Transaction id and Receipt numbers which were already used with old transactions in same store . 

Kindly guide if there could be any solution to fix this ?

I will appreciate your quick response .



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  • Suggested answer
    RE: Missing transactions in RetailTransTable in AX 2012 R3

    Hi Faiqa,

    When a problem occurs and the store database needs to be discontinued, It is advisable to redeploy the POS:

    Check this link,  to calculate the last sequence in AX:

    After recalculating to all store POs, synchronize the package 1160.

    In the case of corrupted transactions, a possible scenario would be to manually include the transactions in AX. You could export to a .csv file the store database tables - RetailTransactionTable, RetailTransactionSalesTrans.... (make the necessary changes in .csv file - creating a specific sequence for transactions with problem -) and import via job to AX.

    It is a complex scenario. I already had to type, transaction by transaction via table brower in AX (it is the most laborious option, but it is also the safest option)

    I Hope this Helps!


    Rodolfo Recalde.

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