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Trying to use Flow to create a Check-In Record. Getting error

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I have a small app to scan the QR code and check in a registrant for an event. When I use Flow to create the Check-In record I get the following error which doesn't make any sense. 

"Resource not found for the segment"

I have tried all combinations of values in the fields. Here all my flow is doing is being triggered by a button and creating a check-in for a event using the Event Registration guid, contact guid, Event guid and check in time. I have also tried with just the required field Event Registration guid. 


Anyone got any ideas what it could mean? I can create a check-in manually in D365 no problem. 

  • MattFJohnson Profile Picture
    MattFJohnson 195 on at
    RE: Trying to use Flow to create a Check-In Record. Getting error

    I have finally found out what was wrong.

    You know when they say, the answer is only simple WHEN you know it. 
    I am trying to create a record using the CDS (current environment) connector.  It turns using this connector you need to preface your guid with the schema name of the entity in its plural form. 
    In my case this was msevtmgt_eventregistrations(822b22d7-6d7a-4442-ae97-c68e347e8db6)
    If your schema name ends with an s you'll need to add es to the end of it instead. 
    See this article which basically explains it
    To be fair to Microsoft, they kind of hint that you need it by putting the name of the related entity in brackets in the flow step but in no way does this actually show you what you need to write. They really need to sort this out. if they need the schema name of the entity why can't they just get it themselves. You don't need to do this in other connectors when you refer to a related entity using just a guid.


    So I've sorted it now and it works. 

    I must apologise to  as I think he was trying to tell me this but I didn't understand what he was trying to say.

  • cloflyMao Profile Picture
    cloflyMao 25,202 on at
    RE: Trying to use Flow to create a Check-In Record. Getting error

    Hi Matt,

    Once you've chosen Check-in type to Event check-in, then you just need to populate Registrant attending field with specific Event Registration entity record id.





    Contact and Event fields will be populated automatically from the event registration record.

    So please check whether your Registrant attending field has been populated with Event Registration record guid correctly.



  • MattFJohnson Profile Picture
    MattFJohnson 195 on at
    RE: Trying to use Flow to create a Check-In Record. Getting error

    Hi Ankit,

    I'm not sure I follow your thinking here. Are you sure you've understood my problem?

    When using Flow, you get a CDS (current environment) connector. This gives you access to all the entities in CDS. In this case you can say you want to create a new record and point it to Check-ins. It then gives you some fields to fill in some of which are required. These are the same as on the form in the Marketing App. You must fill in the fields Check-in type and Registrant attending (Event Registration). All others are optional as you can see. Here in the screenshot I have pasted the actual guids of the records I want to link the Check-in to, this is to ensure nothing is going wrong when using dynamic values provided by Flow itself. 


    I think there is an issue with the Flow CDS connector creating records for the Check-in entity. 

  • Suggested answer
    RE: Trying to use Flow to create a Check-In Record. Getting error

    Hy Matt,

    Hope this post finds you well.

    You need to check the stack trace. It seems from the issue you are facing is, you need to check the API which you are using. It seems entity in the URL you are using , you are not providing the collection schema name of it.

    Please update the API URL and then check.

    If entity name ends with s, then in URL add es at the end of the entity and if it doesn't ends with s , then adds in the entity name in the URL.


    Ankit Sabharwal

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