We have deployed a set of custom fields on the Worker entity on both test and production environments - which are then referenced in PowerApps. These PAs use the Worker dataverse table (cdm_worker - not the virtual worker table) as a data source. For this, we have exposed the custom fields to said entity.
However, something is breaking down so that a set of fields flat out refuse to be added to the DV table. Other fields have made it, but others haven't - with the only difference being the name/labels of the fields. The main entity from the HR POV we're publishing to is cdm_worker/CDSWorkerEntity but we've even tried applying the field to all other tables to no success.
Is there something within Dataverse/D365HR that will allow us to force these to be synced? I've tried going through the DV config page on HR and syncing the table but nothing appears to have changed - over 24 hours after applying the changes/syncing.