Hi everyone,
we use an Azure Function in our environment to create projects in P4W using Logic App.
Creating the project works without any problems.
We then updated the project manager using an HTTP patch, which has always worked so far. Since 26.01. However, a 404 NOT FOUND error occurs here.
We use the following API call for this:
public async Task SetProjectManagerAsync(string orgUrl, string projectId,string projectManagerAaDId) { string orgUrlShort = orgUrl.Replace("/", "").Replace("https:", ""); string requestUrl = "https://oneproject-prod-torus-weu-000.westeurope.cloudapp.azure.com/pss/api/v1.0/projects(msxrm_" orgUrlShort "_" projectId ")"; NewProjectManager body = new NewProjectManager(); body.projectManagerAadId = projectManagerAaDId; var jsonModel = JsonSerializer.Serialize(body, options); return await SendRequestAsync(requestUrl, jsonModel, HttpRequestType.patch); }
Does anyone know if there have been any changes here?
Thanks in advance!