Dear All,
We found the status 'ending bloacked' showed in the online user screen for serveral times. After reading from the help it said as below
' Ending - Blocked - The administrator has clicked End sessions to end the session and the AOS has processed the request, but there is a problem disconnecting the session. '
This cause my user can't logon !!!
In fact we never did as mention above. Anyone experience this before please kindly share
- what is the reason
- how to end this session ( currently we have to stop and start service of AOS server and impact to the service time )
Thanks You in advance
We get this issue too.
Our analysis suggests that this is not related to SQL sessions; just to the offending records in SysClientSessions.
We believe that this issue also causes 2 other issues:
- Any journals locked as In Use by this session remain locked until the AOS is restarted.
- Stopping the AOS related to such a session takes a significant amount of time (i.e. >10 minutes).
I've found no MS hotfixes for this so far.
We've not tried the SQL route for manually working around the issue; rather we're focussed on gathering information on why this happens with a view to stopping it from occurring in the first place.
Posted a request to fix on the following feedback sites:
- MS Connect:
- User Voice:
in the AX database you can also remove the user within the SYSCLIENTSESSIONS table.
And how to avoid this ?
Another way to find this is by running this script to find the SPid # and AOS server name. Then go into that particular AOS to AX > administration > online users to match the SPid# to identify which user is causing the initial blocking session. Once identified, You can then kill that users session in sql. All other user sessions that are blocked will quickly end themselves after that. This works for multiple "Ending-Blocked" issues.
,loginame = SUBSTRING(loginame, 1, 12)
,hostname = SUBSTRING(hostname, 1, 12)
,blk = CONVERT(char(3), blocked)
,dbname = SUBSTRING(DB_NAME(dbid),1,10)
FROM master.dbo.sysprocesses
WHERE spid IN (SELECT blocked FROM master.dbo.sysprocesses)
AND blocked = 0
--When you find the spid#
Kill <spid#>
I wanted to update the progress we made on our two locked AX users.
Since I couldn't find their locked sessions in SQL I decided to check on the Terminal server box.
I went to Task Manager, found the two locked users and forced them to disconnect/log off.
This worked and cleared out the locked sessions in AX.
I had same symphtom.
I've had only one active object server, and still sessions listed in "online users".
Searching in the database there was no active connection from the aos in the database at all.
The remedy was to startup up the aos-server with zombie sessions. Apparantly this cleared out the dead user sessions. After this I could end this aos-server again. With all users cleared out I was able to progress with my updates.
this is a new case i always found the sessions in sql and force it to be closed .. try to restart the two sessions "restarting the clients" windows restarting
Thanks for the reply Emad.
I was hoping to use that method but these two "Ending-Blocked" sessions are not showing up in the SQL Activity Monitor. I tried restarting the SQL and AOT services last night hoping that would help but it didn't change anything.
One thing I did notice this morning is that, eventhough we have 17 active online AX users, there are only two users from AX showing up in the SQL Activity Monitor: RetailStoreConnect and the AOS service user. All of our AX Clients access the program through a terminal server. Is that why they don't show up in the SQL Activity Monitor processes? Maybe I don't have the Activity Monitor configured correctly...
Dear Hank,
I never tried deleting this entries through table what i do is killing the process from the SQL Activity monitor . i think this is more trusty than deleting record that may affect the DB consistency
I have two sessions of an 'ending-blocked' user (same user) in AX2009. I have been looking through many tables and db's in SQL 2008 R2 trying to find the SQLSESSIONS table you mentioned. Can you clarify what the path to this table is?
Many thanks.
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