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Get gridContext always null

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I have an editable grid and I cannot get gridContext using JS.

I have tries with OnChange and OnRecordSelect events, but its always null. 

grid name is correct

Client API grid context in model-driven apps - Power Apps | Microsoft Learn

this.SelectRows = function (eContext) {
	var formContext = eContext.getFormContext();
	var gridContext = formContext.getControl("logs");
	if (gridContext === null) {
         setTimeout(LogOptimisationAudit.SelectRows(eContext), 3000);
	 var myRows = gridContext.getGrid().getRows();

  • XM-22040801-0 Profile Picture
    XM-22040801-0 11 on at
    RE: Get gridContext always null

    Would something like this suit you?

    Subscribe the FormLoad function to the on form load event.

    // On Form Load event handler
    this.FormLoad = function(eContext) {
        const formCtx = eContext.getFormContext();
        const gridCtrl = formCtx.getControl("logs");
        gridCtrl.addOnLoad((e) => this.GridLoad(e));
        // You can also try to affect this.gridCtrl to gridCtrl here and remove GridLoad
    this.GridLoad = function(eContext) {
        const formCtx = eContext.getFormContext();
        // gridCtrl will be used by SelectRows
        this.gridCtrl = formCtx.getControl("logs");
        formCtx.ui.setFormNotification("Grid loaded", "INFO", "GridLoaded");
    this.SelectRows = function(eContext) {
        const grid = this.gridCtrl?.getGrid();
        if (grid == null) {
            Xrm.Navigation.openAlertDialog({ text: `Grid not loaded` });
        const allRows = grid.getRows();
        const selectedRows = grid.getSelectedRows();
        // Only one row can be selected because grid record select doesn't trigger when multiple rows are selected
        const selectedRow = selectedRows.get(0);
        const selectedId =;
        const selectedRowIndex  = allRows.get()
            .findIndex(row => === selectedId);
        if (selectedRowIndex < 0) {
            Xrm.Navigation.openAlertDialog({ text: `Selected row not found` });
        const nextRowIndex = selectedRowIndex   1;
        if (nextRowIndex >= allRows.getLength()) {
            Xrm.Navigation.openAlertDialog({ text: `No next row` });
        const nextRow = allRows.get(nextRowIndex);
            text: `Next row: ${"").getValue()}`
        // Modify the next row"").setValue("Other value");

  • Jorge_ Profile Picture
    Jorge_ on at
    RE: Get gridContext always null

    Hi Xavier Monin

    I'm trying to get collections of Row as I need to set some values on next row.

    That's the only way I found to so so, get all rows, and access selected row + 1

  • Jorge_ Profile Picture
    Jorge_ on at
    RE: Get gridContext always null

    Hi Lucas H 

    It is triggered from the Subgrid event OnRecordSelected


  • Jorge_ Profile Picture
    Jorge_ on at
    RE: Get gridContext always null

    Thanks a33ik

    Tried your code but it never reaches the myRows line.

  • XM-22040801-0 Profile Picture
    XM-22040801-0 11 on at
    RE: Get gridContext always null

    My bad, it is null, not undefined.

    I also thought that he would like to get a list, but since the recordselect and gridchange events only fire on one row/cell, he will never be able to be obtained on these events. There will always be only one row selected when the event occurs.

    In the record select event, the formContext is associated with the subgrid entity, not the main form entity. It will not work. See

     Jorge_ What do you want to do with the selected rows ?

  • Lucas H Profile Picture
    Lucas H 281 on at
    RE: Get gridContext always null

    I don't think this is what he's trying to do - looks like he wants to get a collection of rows in a subgrid. GridContext isn't undefined, it's null, so it's not getting the grid after it's loaded or it's not being called in the right context.

  • Suggested answer
    XM-22040801-0 Profile Picture
    XM-22040801-0 11 on at
    RE: Get gridContext always null


    Indeed, the gridContext is undefined null. You can't use it.

    If you want to know the selected record, use

    Remember that this event is trigger only if one and only one row is selected.


    const formCtx = eContext.getFormContext();
    const selectedRecord =;
    const attributes = selectedRecord.attributes;
    Xrm.Navigation.openAlertDialog({ text: `${selectedRecord.getEntityName()}: ${attributes.get("fullname")?.getValue()}` });

  • Suggested answer
    a33ik Profile Picture
    a33ik 84,325 Most Valuable Professional on at
    RE: Get gridContext always null


    Try the following code:

    this.SelectRows = function (eContext) {
    	var formContext = eContext.getFormContext();
    	var gridContext = formContext.getControl("logs");
    	if (gridContext === null) {
             setTimeout(LogOptimisationAudit.SelectRows, 3000, eContext);
    	 var myRows = gridContext.getGrid().getRows();

  • Lucas H Profile Picture
    Lucas H 281 on at
    RE: Get gridContext always null

    How is this function being called?

  • Jorge_ Profile Picture
    Jorge_ on at
    RE: Get gridContext always null

    Thanks Lucas,

    however tried your code but still unable to get grid context

    It is an editable sub grid, not sure if that makes any difference.


    Correct grid name also


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