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Microsoft Dynamics 365 AX (ERP) for a small business (Restaurant). Can it be possible?

Posted on by Microsoft Employee

Dear Dynamics community,

i'm just a regular restaurant owner on Brazil, and i'm searching for a solution to make my life as administrator of my business more easy, and save more threes (lol)!..

What i'm facing is: I can afford the software, but i cant afford the implementation (third-party services).

Can someone give me a light? 

Can a small business owner, with a lot of willpower, but without too much Money to spend (we are facing the biggest economical crysis on our country, but offcourse i can spend some Money on it) have a decente solution for his businesss ? :P

The biggest challenge for a restaurant its the POS, the dynamic of the business are diferente cause we have to sell and produce at same time, on my country we have a lot of softwares but it lacks on the management in general, no banking account integration etc), and we face the brazilian laws (you cant develop a software by yourself because it needs homologation and for it you have to be into some business).

I'm really confused, why people are using (on my country at least) high-end technology for personal use (like cellphones and stuff), and not thinking on it to use on business on a effective way ? even software companys aren't thinking too much for small business ;

We need technology too!

am i thinking too big?

(my degre are on business administration, i have some knowledge on computers in general. I started to search for a solution on 2010, when i was on high school, them my dad died from câncer on 2013 and i had to quit high school and take the front of the business. have researched open-erp on time, open bravo, some other solutions in general. )

Thank you guys, i'm sorry if here isnt the right place to discuss some more philosophic aspects of the erp use; but i guess that we need to think ahead!

  • Community Member Profile Picture
    Community Member Microsoft Employee on at
    RE: Microsoft Dynamics 365 AX (ERP) for a small business (Restaurant). Can it be possible?

    Thank you Vilmos! i will check this!


  • Verified answer
    Vilmos Kintera Profile Picture
    Vilmos Kintera 46,149 on at
    RE: Microsoft Dynamics 365 AX (ERP) for a small business (Restaurant). Can it be possible?

    You might want to look into its' smaller brother, which used to be Navision when it was a boxed product, and is now Dynamics 365 for Financials aimed at the mid to small business market. That does not have the rich featureset of AX, but might be still something that you can work with.

    Kindly mark helpful answers with the checkbox next to each post to resolve the topic.

  • Community Member Profile Picture
    Community Member Microsoft Employee on at
    RE: Microsoft Dynamics 365 AX (ERP) for a small business (Restaurant). Can it be possible?

    Yes, this is true.

    But, on future we shall see some solutions for small business...

    just like the history of computers


  • Verified answer
    Vilmos Kintera Profile Picture
    Vilmos Kintera 46,149 on at
    RE: Microsoft Dynamics 365 AX (ERP) for a small business (Restaurant). Can it be possible?

    An ERP system is not something that you buy off-the-shelf and you are ready to use it.

    If you look at a project implementation methodology, it would quickly become apparent that AX needs a lot of configuration and testing, which requires specialists for the product, and the implementation takes several months. You cannot do it on your own, the documentation is more like a technical reference guide rather than holding hands on how to do country-specific legal compliance.

    If you do not have the money to buy the license, software assurance, Azure subscription fees, and pay a partner the project implementation costs for several months, and buy additional assistance for typical tasks you have not faced before like inventory closing/month and year-end closing/maintenance tasks, install and deploy updates for your environment to be up-to-date, then the product is obviously not for you.

  • Verified answer
    Mahmoud Hakim Profile Picture
    Mahmoud Hakim 17,887 on at
    RE: Microsoft Dynamics 365 AX (ERP) for a small business (Restaurant). Can it be possible?

    Dynamics AX for meduim and large scall business

    you can use local ERP

    (this is the best for You as Martin Dráb said "Therefore using a simpler, cheaper product may be a better option in your case. You don't seem to need the power of AX and you say you don't have money to implement it anyway, so even if you bought it, you would struggle with planning how to use it." )

  • Verified answer
    Martin Dráb Profile Picture
    Martin Dráb 228,317 Most Valuable Professional on at
    RE: Microsoft Dynamics 365 AX (ERP) for a small business (Restaurant). Can it be possible?

    Dynamics AX (Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations, Enterprise Edition) is a pretty complex enterprise-scale ERP system. Even if you don't need any customizations, it requires quite a lot work for configuration. Also don't forget that you must buy at least 20 subscription licenses (Unified Operations Plan), which sounds like much more than a single restaurant need.

    Therefore using a simpler, cheaper product may be a better option in your case. You don't seem to need the power of AX and you say you don't have money to implement it anyway, so even if you bought it, you would struggle with planning how to use it.

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