I want to read customer data from dynamics crm using the programming language R. I try to use an API to do that. This is my code:
library (httr) usr <- "yourusernamehere" pwd <- "yourpasswordhere" url <- "https://companynamehere.api.crm4.dynamics.com/api/data/v9.1/" GET(url,authenticate(usr,pwd) Response [https://companynamehere.api.crm4.dynamics.com/api/data/v9.1/] Date: 2019-11-19 09:30 Status: 401 Content-Type:
I get status 401. My username and password is 100% correct. I tried the api also for the microsoft Business central. The same method worked succesfully for Microsoft Business Central.
Can somebody help me out. Great thanks in advance! A solution in python is also welcome.