A GP 2016 client uses the Word Template to generate Sales Order Processing sales invoices. Historically, her Item Descriptions have run as long as 69 characters.
Over the past couple of months when she has reported the last few characters of the Item Description as being cut off, I have been pretty successful at conducting such tasks as increasing the length of the Item Description in Report Writer as well as ever so slightly moving the separator lines between "Description" and "Unit Price" over as far as possible without cutting off important data.
For the third time now, she is today reporting an instance where the last two characters of the Item Description of the latest invoice is not showing all characters of the Item Description. I think that the number of characters in the Item Description in this invoice is now 71, as the term "PAIL" is displaying as "PA". This is the final term in the description.
I won't have remote access, until tomorrow, so I cannot take a look at this until then.
But, it would not surprise me if I cannot "stretch things out" any further.
If it is the case that a character limitation or something along those lines is going to prevent me from fulfilling this client's need, how do I solve this or how do I at least politely advise the client to maybe buy into a third-party addon such as Accountable Software's Forms Printer?
I'm not sure what else to tell her.