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Microsoft Dynamics AX (Archived)

Avoid inserting Duplicate Record in Table

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Hi All,

I have a table where i am storing  recId field from another table. I want there should be no duplicate Recid in field while inserting reciD and it would gives error. what code should be used for this as best practices.

Looking for your suggestion please.

Thank You!

Visvash Walia

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  • Verified answer
    Vilmos Kintera Profile Picture
    Vilmos Kintera 46,149 on at
    RE: Avoid inserting Duplicate Record in Table in AX 2012R2

    It is enough to create the unique index, no additional check required.

    If you want, you could override aosValidateWrite() (that one is always called, even if you create a doInsert()) and could provide a custom, more meaningful message for the user about what and why is not allowed to be duplicated in a checkFailed() message.

  • Verified answer
    RE: Avoid inserting Duplicate Record in Table in AX 2012R2

    What I would do is:

    1. Create an index for the RefRecId field, set the property allow duplicates to false.
    2. Make the RefRecId field mandatory, allowEdit property set to false, allowOnCreate property to true.
    3. Allways check duplicates before insertion, something like if (Table::exists(RefRecId value) == false) insert.

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