Hi experts,
I am new to development for Dynamics Sl. I am currently doing exercises with the SAF controls, however it was difficult for me in SAFgrid, since I could not fill it with data.
I try to do a test by filling the grid with data from the GLSetup table, my code is as follows. Does not mark error, but does not fill the grid.
Dim Menhandle As Integer
Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal eventSender As System.Object, ByVal eventArgs As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
Update1.Levels = "DA"
SAFGridDVSetup.DBNav = "xXGLSetup" '------Stored Procedure returns all from GLSetup Table
SAFGridDVSetup.ColsFrozen = 0
Call ApplInit()
Call SetAddr(LEVEL0, "bGLSetup", bGLSetup, nGLSetup)
Call SqlCursorEx(Csr_GLSetup, LEVEL0, "CSR_GLSetup", "GLSetup", "GLSetup")
Call ScreenInit()
Menhandle = DetailSetup(Csr_GLSetup, SAFGridDVSetup, PNULL, bGLSetup, PNULL, PNULL, PNULL)
Call DetailLoad(SAFGridDVSetup)
End Sub
Help please,
I don't know if I need something so that the info is displayed in the safgrid.