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Can you delete Views directly in App Designer?

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I've somehow managed to throw up a SavedQuery error when trying to upload a View in a Managed Solution from my Dev environment to my Prod one. I think it might be that I accidentally created a View in the Prod site's App Designer rather than the Dev one. 

As far as I can see, I need to delete these Views from the Prod site so that I can upload the versions I actually want in my Solution, but the problem is that they're not in a Solution in my Prod environment, they're just in the App Designer. Is there a way to delete them from there? 

Any help would be greatly appreciated! 

  • urklnme Profile Picture
    urklnme 437 on at
    Can you delete Views directly in App Designer?
    BEWARE!  removing a solution from a PROD environment will also REMOVE ANY DATA that has been created with the changes in the solution.
    one way could be to convert PROD back to a sandbox make the changes and then convert the sandbox back to PROD?
     look into that possibility.
  • thecharwest Profile Picture
    thecharwest 215 on at
    RE: Can you delete Views directly in App Designer?

    For clarity - I went to the default solution, selected the view I wanted to delete and it told me it couldn't be deleted because it had a dependency. This turned out to be a model-driven app (app designer) in a different solution (Phase 1). I went to Phase 1 and tried deleting the views from there, but deleting them wasn't an option (as in, the delete button wasn't there). I went into the app designer and made sure they weren't selected as system views, but even after saving that, I still can't delete the view from the default solution.

    So the question is how to delete the dependency relationship between the default solution view and the Phase 1 solution model-driven app?

    Thanks in advance!

  • thecharwest Profile Picture
    thecharwest 215 on at
    RE: Can you delete Views directly in App Designer?

    Hi again - I just tried this and it says it can't be deleted because it has a dependency which it shows to be the model-driven app I was trying to delete it from in the first place. How do I remove it from the app so that I can delete it from the default solution? I'm really confused!

  • Suggested answer
    Naveen Ganeshe Profile Picture
    Naveen Ganeshe 3,393 User Group Leader on at
    RE: Can you delete Views directly in App Designer?

    Hello Charlotte,

    You cannot do this from app designer. However, You can do this from Settings > Customization > Customize the system > Select Entity -> Select View - > Delete

  • Suggested answer
    vignesh.crm Profile Picture
    vignesh.crm 40 on at
    RE: Can you delete Views directly in App Designer?

    Create a new unmanaged solution and add your view to solution. Then select and delete the view

    Or Open the Default solution (Settings->Customization->Customize the System -> Select Entity -> Select View - > Delete)

  • thecharwest Profile Picture
    thecharwest 215 on at
    RE: Can you delete Views directly in App Designer?

    Oh amazing, thank you so much! I'll give this a go but looks like it's the right thing, thank you!

  • Emily Zhang Profile Picture
    Emily Zhang on at
    RE: Can you delete Views directly in App Designer?

    “Active” means default solution. It's either directly created under Customization or introduced in unmanaged solution. You can directly delete it by clicking "×" like below screenshot 


  • thecharwest Profile Picture
    thecharwest 215 on at
    RE: Can you delete Views directly in App Designer?

    The solution is just called "Active" - not sure what that means?


    Thank you for your help so far by the way!

  • Emily Zhang Profile Picture
    Emily Zhang on at
    RE: Can you delete Views directly in App Designer?

    If it's a system view, it has to be belong to some solution. You can check this view belonged solution by: go to Settings -> Customizations -> Customize the system -> Expand the related entity -> Under views  find that view -> select solution layer.

    By doing this, you will find it's associated with which solution.


  • thecharwest Profile Picture
    thecharwest 215 on at
    RE: Can you delete Views directly in App Designer?

    I can't find the View in any of the Solutions though that's the problem. Is another way around it to Copy the Prod environment to the Dev one so that they match again, and then go from there?

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