We are in the process of setting up and working thru F&O install. We are in the middle of working thru data migration tasks and working with the data that we set up via Synapse Link. We are querying this data via SSMS to help to understand the underlying structure of the data, the tables and the schema. I am struggling a bit with understanding how to link custtrans and custinvoiceline to the dimensions that are recorded for the transactions. If you have any help on this subject, can provide any type of documentation or a forum for asking these types of questions I would be most grateful. I am spending a lot of time sleuthing the data and joins and relationships.
Link CustTrans and CustInvoiceLine to the dimensions that are recorded for transactions
Hi Heather,
Thanks for the clarification. I thought you wanted to compare or link based on financial dimensions. You can download a white paper that contains data model diagrams at the end of the document, explaining the dimension framework. Next to tables, there are also views flattening the data model and making life easier to get the active dimensions and their values.
Essentially, we need to send the financial dimensions associated with the transactions. I am taking custtrans to custinvoicetable to custinvoicelines to get down to the full dimension string. In our situation it is something like MainAccount-LegalEntity-Department-LineOfBusiness. I have found a few promising tables but am struggling to get to the right value. I'm starting to join dimensionattributevalueset but still haven't quite gotten the right join mix to get the data from my query to replicate what I am seeing on the screen.
Link CustTrans and CustInvoiceLine to the dimensions that are recorded for transactions
Hi Heather,
There is no relation between the dimensions used on the customer transactions and the invoice lines. Can you explain what exact data you need to retrieve and for what purpose
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