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'open in Excel' option not working - receiving error message in Excel

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Hi there, 
I've installed Microsoft Dynamics Office Add-in for Excel and Word. I've configured everything within the add-on, added server URL and was able to load data directly from the add-on.
However, the issue arises when I try to open a file from the browser directly to Excel. I get the error message 'Microsoft has been configured to prevent individual acquisition and execution of Office Store Add-ins.' The thing is, the app is enabled and deployed in M365 Admin Center for the affected account.
Does anyone know what could be the solution for this? I read that the solution could be to temporarily enable access to the Office Store in the admin center, but that sounds strange if the add-on is already enabled and added to Excel and it works if the data is directly accessed through the add-on. 
The issue is opening it from the Browser in Excel. 
  • Suggested answer
    Judy Profile Picture
    Judy Microsoft Employee on at
    'open in Excel' option not working - receiving error message in Excel
    Hi, for the error messages, please refer to the following document to configure the Add-ins for Office:
    Best Regards,
  • Suggested answer
    Kevin Xia Profile Picture
    Kevin Xia Microsoft Employee on at
    'open in Excel' option not working - receiving error message in Excel
    Users have asked similar questions before on the forum and got the ending plan, you can refer to these old threads:
    You can try this way:

    To use Centralized Deployment, on the App parameters tab on the Office App Parameters page change the App ID, Store, and Store Type:

    • App ID: 61bcc63f-b860-4280-8280-3e4fb5ea7726

    • Store: EXCatalog

    • Store Type: Centralized Deployment

    Best regards,

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