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Dynamics 365 Community / Blogs / D365Tour blog / Why consignment replenishme...

Why consignment replenishment orders is active only for standard and moving average cost ?

Yohann Rolland Axcible Profile Picture Yohann Rolland Axcible 3,111

When using consignment replenishment orders, Microsoft has forbidden to use consignment item with other than moving average or standard cost stock valuation.

I suppose it’s a matter of stock closing but I’m wondering if it’s a mathematic, functional or technical reason or something else.

The only thing I know it’s that is done for a reason, but many of our customers would need that functionality with a FIFO or AVG stock valuation.

Basically, when you create a brand-new item with FIFO and Owner (Owner tracking dimension setup is the way to specify which owns the stock between the supplier and the company, you can find a great tutorial here), you’ve got directly stuck with the following message: The tracking dimension group for this item has the owner dimension enabled. Only the Standard cost and Moving average cost models can be used for owner-enabled products.

The blocking message is quite explicite but I needed to get diving to know the WHY ? I’ve created a case to Microsoft and even if I haven’t got a clear answer I have more information now :

  • « They haven’t expanded this functionality just yet and are planning to update it within the Warehouse Management System instead of on an additional costing evaluation method. Â». So we can submit the idea here but obviously if something is going to happen for next PU with WMS sooner or later… it’s probably not going to happen without WMS.
  • Another message from them was also clear : « Product team acknowledges the need but unfortunately the feature is not planned in the near future Â»

By looking at the code we found this :

if (!SysCountryRegionCode::isLegalEntityInCountryRegion([#isoRU])

                && inventTable.isItemInventoryOwnerActivated()

                && !inventModelType.isInventoryOwnerAllowed())


                ret = checkFailed(« @Consignment:MessageValidation_ItemModelGroupId Â»);


The functionality is available for Russia localization so I’m keeping asking  and here is the story of that :

  • « Historically the Owner inventory dimension was created by the localization team in Russia in order to support some Russian features such as Bailment. It worked together with the Russia specific inventory dimension Inventory profile. Later on the Owner dimension was made available globally and it was used for the Consignment functionality. At the same time the inventory model restriction was introduced. It can still be used in combination with the inventory profile for the Russia specific functionality Â». Indeed, when I try to setup this in a Russia company I’ve got a different error message which requires me to setup an inventory profile. I didn’t get further on this but if you’re curious about bailment you can find some documentation here.

Another thing to know : you can force (through customization) any stock valuation policy to be authorized when created a released product without surcharging so we’ve tried this. As far as I know, and by testing a quite tricky test scenario with stock closing, I haven’t found anything strange in my result.

I haven’t got the answer I was expected by Microsoft but I can have a better view anyway. What is sure is our customer cannot wait the next PU so we are moving forward with that.

I’m still hoping completing this post one day when I found out the real why !


L’article Why consignment replenishment orders is active only for standard and moving average cost ? est apparu en premier sur D365Tour.


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