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Table as a service: integration designing with D365F&O -- a walkthrough

Subhad365 Profile Picture Subhad365 7 User Group Leader

What is TAAS

Table as a service is a very convenient way of high frequency, high volume data exchange, operations, without the need of worrying about the supporting architecture, speed and efficiency. I can make my data be stored and arranged as per any need, without sticking to a fixed metadata, beforehand – as compared to conventional DBMS definition. Your Table exists as an API, whereby you can call the API and enforcing PUT, POST and delete actions thereby.

Table as a service as a storage

Azure table storage exists as a patterned NoSql data in Azure, resulting in a schema-less design.
Table storage generally comprises of following components:
Accounts: a subscription account that connects all the storage offerings(Blobs/files, queues, containers, tables)
Tables: a table can comprise of several entities
Entities: an entity is like a row that comprises of several properties
Properties: Key-value pair
Look at the following example, that comes from a TAAS on a successful creation:
<content type = “application/xml”>
<d:TimeStamp m:Type=”Edm.DateTime”>2019-12-22T06:06:06.673110727</d:TimeStamp>
              <d:Description>Test desc</d:Description>

The above example results from an attempt to write into a table, with fields AcqMethod and Description. PartitionKey and RowKey are evidently unqiue key pair. Here the record exists as a property (starting from <d:PartitionKey> to <d:Description>). The table does not have any fixed schema as contrary to our concept of RDBMS.

Creating a table storage

Step 1:

Navigate to ~\Home\All services\Storage accounts\admin storage account. Choose from ‘Tables’.

Step 2:

Create a new table à give a table name(avoid using ‘_’ or special characters). Press OK to to continue.
This would result in creating your table. See the adjoining URL, implying that it exists as an endpoint API.


Shared access signature (SAS):

A shared access signature is an easy way common palette of data access for various modes of data storages: Blob, Queues, tables or containers.
Navigate to left hand pane à Shared access signature à Generate SAS and Connection string button. Tick on ‘Table’ à to create Keys for Table. Also click on the necessary allowed permissions:

This will generate the following access key/connection strings:

Querying your table from Postman:

Copy the ‘Table service SAS URL’ à Open postman à paste it in the browser à amend to include the table name you have created between ? and the last ‘\’ à do a ‘GET’ à Send
It will result in the records of the table as an XML’s key value pair dataset:

Note: how the name of the table has been given at the end of the SAS key.

Viewing from Azure browser

You can download Azure browser from:
You can install the storage explorer. It’s an ultimate tool to upload, download, maintain and query your storage contents – just like the older days of SSMS.
Browse down to à on the left hand pane Subscription name à Storage accounts à created table:

You can query quite easily using query button from above:

Using logic apps: integration

Logic apps could be used successfully as a messenger exposing your Table Services to expose, interpret/Parse and consume data. You can expose your table as a service and then write a trigger to be fired when the data comes to your table as a HTTP request.
a.       Figure out an HTTP request with the following JSON payload as its sample payload:
              “PartitionKey”: “RecId”
              “RowKey”: 122121212121,
              “Acqmethod”: “Test1”,
              “Description”: “Test1 desc”
b.       You can optionally choose a ‘compose’ action from above result.
c.       Add an action as ‘Insert entity’ by choosing from ‘Table storage’ connecter.
d.       Choose from step-b, choose from the Table that you have created (evidently it relates the set of tables available from the same azure subscription.
e.       Add a ‘Get entity’ action à it acts like an query, select the table you created and ‘PartitionKey’ and ‘RowKey’ values from the payload defined on Step-a.
So as a result the code for the logic app looks like:
 "definition": {
 "$schema": "",
 "actions": {
 "Compose": {
 "inputs": "@triggerOutputs()['queries']",
 "runAfter": {},
 "type": "Compose"
 "Get_entity": {
 "inputs": {
 "host": {
 "connection": {
 "name": "@parameters('$connections')['azuretables']['connectionId']"
 "method": "get",
 "path": "/Tables/@{encodeURIComponent('_Table_Name_')}/entities(PartitionKey='@{encodeURIComponent(triggerBody()?['PartitionKey'])}',RowKey='@{encodeURIComponent(triggerBody()?['RowKey'])}')"
 "runAfter": {
 "Insert_Entity": [
 "type": "ApiConnection"
 "Insert_Entity": {
 "inputs": {
 "body": "@outputs('Compose')",
 "host": {
 "connection": {
 "name": "@parameters('$connections')['azuretables']['connectionId']"
 "method": "post",
 "path": "/Tables/@{encodeURIComponent('_Table_Name_')}/entities"
 "runAfter": {
 "Compose": [
 "type": "ApiConnection"
 "Post_a_message_(V3)": {
 "inputs": {
 "body": {
 "body": {
 "content": "<p>@{outputs('Compose')}</p>",
 "contentType": "html"
 "host": {
 "connection": {
 "name": "@parameters('$connections')['teams']['connectionId']"
 "method": "post",
 "path": "/v3/beta/teams/@{encodeURIComponent('*****')}/channels/@{encodeURIComponent('***')}/messages"
 "runAfter": {
 "Get_entity": [
 "type": "ApiConnection"
 "contentVersion": "",
 "outputs": {},
 "parameters": {
 "$connections": {
 "defaultValue": {},
 "type": "Object"
 "triggers": {
 "manual": {
 "inputs": {
 "schema": {
 "properties": {
 "AcqMethod": {
 "type": "string"
 "Description": {
 "type": "string"
 "PartitionKey": {
 "type": "string"
 "RowKey": {
 "type": "string"
 "type": "object"
 "kind": "Http",
 "type": "Request"
 "parameters": {
 "$connections": {
 "value": {
 "azuretables": {
 "connectionId": "/subscriptions/****/resourceGroups/****/providers/Microsoft.Web/connections/azuretables",
 "connectionName": "azuretables",
 "id": "/subscriptions/*****/providers/Microsoft.Web/locations/westus/managedApis/azuretables"
 "teams": {
 "connectionId": "/subscriptions/****/resourceGroups/****/providers/Microsoft.Web/connections/teams-1",
 "connectionName": "teams-1",
 "id": "/subscriptions/****/providers/Microsoft.Web/locations/westus/managedApis/teams"

The logic app gives the following outcome, when fired from Postman:


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