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Tuesday Tip #15: New Community Badges!

Bret Fraser v- Profile Picture Bret Fraser v- Community Manager

This week the exciting news is that the new community badges have been released! Community badges are a useful way to track your contributions to the community and show other members what you've achieved. They are awarded as you perform beneficial activities in the community and help all community members learn about highly valued contributors.


To view your badges, go to your profile page and select the Achievements tab.


The badges shown on the left side of the profile page are the most recent five badges earned:

badges screenshot

The achievements tab displays overall reputation points, achieved badges, and upcoming milestone badges:

screenshot of badges


Reputation points are a summary of all points earned in community overall. For more information about points, see understanding reputation points. You can also view your reputation points in relation to other members via the Leaderboard.

Completed milestones are displayed as a filled-in circle, while upcoming milestones will show a circular outline segment of how far along current progress is towards the next levels.

Earning badges

You can earn badges though some of the following activities in the community:

  • Questions asked: initial questions authored in forums
  • Answers suggested: replies marked as suggested answers
  • Replies: replies to questions
  • Likes received: likes on posts you authored
  • Likes given: likes you have marked on other posts
  • Answer was verified: answers you authored were marked as verified by the original authors or moderators
  • Verified an answer: answers you marked as verified on questions you authored
  • Flagged spam: posts you flagged as spam were approved/hidden by moderators


Badges help you see how you are doing and how the community is valuing your contributions over time. The best way to earn badges is to dive in and start participating.

So like a post! Let someone know their answer solved your problem. Drop a thank you reply in the thread. Start engaging in the community and start collecting those achievements!



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