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Scheduling Update Wave Timings in Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central

Jun Wang Profile Picture Jun Wang 5,659 Super User

Scheduling Update Wave Timings in Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central

For users of Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central, keeping the system up-to-date is crucial to ensure smooth operation, access to the latest features, and the highest security standards. However, updates can disrupt normal operations if not managed properly. That's where the concept of update waves comes into play – a scheduled rollout of updates to control when these changes take place. Here's a guide on how to schedule update wave timings effectively in Business Central.

Understanding Update Waves

Update waves are essentially scheduled releases of software updates. Instead of updates being applied arbitrarily, they are released in "waves" at set times. This approach helps businesses prepare for changes and minimizes disruption.

Benefits of Scheduling Update Waves

  • Minimized Disruption: By scheduling updates, businesses can plan for potential downtime or adapt their workflows temporarily.
  • Preparedness: Teams can be briefed on upcoming changes, and training can be scheduled for any new features or changes in the interface.
  • Testing: Scheduling updates allows businesses to run tests in sandbox environments before the changes go live, ensuring compatibility and smooth transition.

How to Schedule Update Wave Timings

1. Accessing the Admin Center:

  • The first step is to log into the Business Central Admin Center. This is where all the magic of update management happens.

2. Selecting the Environment:

  • Choose the environment you want to schedule the update for. It's typically best to start with your sandbox environment before scheduling updates for your production environment.

3. Reviewing Available Updates:

  • Within the environment, you’ll be able to see a section for 'Updates' where you can review the upcoming updates and their release notes.

4. Scheduling the Update:

  • Once you’ve reviewed the updates, you can schedule them by selecting the 'Schedule Update' button. You'll be prompted to choose a date and time that works best for your organization.

5. Confirming and Communicating:

  • After scheduling the update, make sure to confirm the timing and communicate this with your team. Clear communication ensures that everyone is prepared for the update.

6. Testing Post-Update:

  • Once the update has been applied, especially in the sandbox environment, perform tests to ensure everything is running as expected. Only then should you schedule the update for your production environment.

Best Practices for Update Wave Scheduling

  • Schedule During Off-Peak Hours: Plan for updates during times when system use is lowest to minimize the impact on users.
  • Inform Users in Advance: Give users ample notice of scheduled updates, especially if there might be any downtime.
  • Follow Up with Training: If updates include new features or significant changes, schedule training sessions to help users adapt quickly.
  • Monitor Post-Update: Keep an eye on system performance and user feedback after updates to catch and address any issues early.


Scheduling update waves in Business Central is a strategic process that requires careful planning. By controlling the timing of updates, you can ensure a seamless experience for users and maintain business continuity. Always keep in step with Business Central's update schedule, prepare your team for changes, and embrace the new features that each wave brings to shore.

Remember, staying updated is not just about keeping up with the latest technology – it's about ensuring your business continues to run efficiently and securely in an ever-evolving digital landscape.
