Well, you may be aware of the release of Dynamics 365 Nonprofit Accelerator, a suite of solutions designed for nonprofits around the world. These solutions will power core nonprofit processes like program delivery, constituent management, fundraising, volunteer management, and impact measurement.
While installing the solutions, you will have the flexibility of selecting the below required solution(s) to efficiently deliver the mission.
The Nonprofit Accelerator extends the Common Data Model (CDM) to include new entities to support a data schema for the nonprofit sector. With the CDM, organizations have a unified view of their data across sources which enables business apps to deliver new insights and drive intelligence-based experiences to users within the organization.
This common data standard built specifically with and for the nonprofit sector, is now available on GitHub.
The International Aid Transparency Initiative (IATI) Standard is a set of rules and guidance about what data organizations should publish and what format it should be presented in. The Nonprofit Accelerator extends necessary schema to support IATI.
Microsoft partners can take any of the components they want to use and build partner solutions with it. Take it for a test drive or Download the Dynamics 365 Nonprofit Accelerator via AppSource
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