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Time & Attendance Clock in/Clock Out :D365 F&O

Time & Attendance Clock in/Clock Out :D365 F&O
Login to the D365 F&O and Navigate to the Human resource ->Workers->Employees

Click on the new employee and fill the mandatory fields on the employee form.

Once we have filled necessary details of the employee then we need to click on the active on register terminals

Before clicking on the Active on the registration terminal make sure all the setups are done perfectly including activation date.

Go to the Time and attendance module setup the time profiles-> profile, profile types & profile groups and Groups setup-> approval groups, calculation groups& Absence groups.

Once we have done mandatory setups for the Human resource module and Time and attendance module then we need to click on the common module

Common ->Time and attendance ->Clock in/Out(Punch clock) then in the configurations select example:Clock in or out

Need to enter the Personnel number

If you don't know about the personnel number then go the the Human resource module select the employee and open the form click on the time registration change the Identification number and give same Identification number for badge id save then enter same identification number on the above job card resource in the common module clock in & out. NOTE: Make sure use time card check mark should be enable on the Human resource ->Employee form

Enter the personnel number for clock in. Note: For Clock in & Clock out need to enter the personnel number in the same form (Clock in/clock out)

Clock out -Enter same personnel number for clock out

To see the both clock in and clock out timings. Go to the Time and attendance module->Approve then you can see the clock in /out etc Note: Need to select the approve group
Example :
