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Dynamics 365 Community / Blogs / MSD365 F&O Learning / Vendor Collaboration: Sched...

Vendor Collaboration: Scheduling the PO auto-confirmation batch job

1. Business Requirement

In the vendor collaboration feature organization wants to PO auto-confirm when the vendor accepts the Purchase Order from its portal without any amendment so the organization does need not to confirm manually. This functionality will reduce the step to be performed and the chances of errors made while manual confirmation by the organization user.

To meet this requirement first create a vendor (external vendor) in D365 F&O that will be used for Vendor collaboration and before user accounts can be created for an external vendor, one must configure the vendor account so that the vendor can use vendor collaboration.

2. Enabling Vendor Collaboration on Vendor Master4621.pastedimage1684147021515v4.gif

Create new External vendor or use the existing that will be used as Vendor Collaboration:



Go to  Vendors > General tab > Collaboration activation field. The following options are available, Choose the first option:

  • Active (PO is auto-confirmed) â€“ POs are automatically confirmed if the vendor accepts them without changes. If you use this option, be sure to schedule the Confirm accepted purchase orders from vendor collaboration batch job, which is responsible for processing the confirmations.
  • Active (PO is not auto-confirmed) â€“ organization must manually confirm POs after the vendor has accepted them.
  • Not Active


3. Scheduling the auto-confirmation batch job

To enable this Auto Confirm feature it need to schedule the Confirm accepted purchase orders from vendor collaboration batch job, which is responsible for processing PO auto confirmation.

  • Go to Procurement and sourcing > Purchase orders > Purchase order confirmation > Confirm accepted purchase orders from vendor collaboration.


  • Set the recurrance as per business requirement and then click OK

If your system processes a large volume of data and runs many batch jobs, performance might be an issue. In this case, you probably should not run this job more often than every 10 minutes (depending on your other requirements.

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  • Finally, Enable the Batch Processing and click OK



Note: Enabled batch (Confirm accepted purchase orders from vendor collaboration) can be seen in the path System Administration > Inquiries > Batch Job.

This batch job helps PO to be auto confirmed just after acceptance of PO by vendor from its vendor collaboration portal.


Thank You

Happy Learning 


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