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Integration Patterns for Dynamics 365 Finance and Operations Applications | October 30, 2023


In this session we'll be focusing on the Dynamics 365 Finance and Operations applications integration patterns and deep dive in the finance and operations specific challenges and recommendations. 


00:00 Intro 

00:31 TechTalk Series 

01:19 Agenda 

01:54 Integration components – Overview 

2:43 Synchronous endpoints 

5:51 Authentication process – Application based 

6:31 Demo OData  
10:13 OData tips  

12:12 Business & Data events 

19:12 Business Events Demo 

26:25 DMF Integrations API’s 

26:58 DMF Package API’s 

29:40 Recurring API’s 

50:29 Q&A 

52:11 Closing comments



Akshat Singh –  
Ali Adamu –   


Download Presentation (PDF)


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  • Vamsi Pranith Profile Picture Vamsi Pranith 682
    Posted at
    Integration Patterns for Dynamics 365 Finance and Operations Applications | October 30, 2023
    The screen was frozen at the power point presentation. We could not see the actual demo of the recurring integrations and Package integrations. If you could reload the video with the appropriate demo of the system, that would be really helpful. Thank you.
  • CU13051139-0 Profile Picture CU13051139-0
    Posted at
    Integration Patterns for Dynamics 365 Finance and Operations Applications | October 30, 2023
    Good presentation, but the screen did not move on from the Recurring API's page.