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Managing Email Oversight in Business Central

Jun Wang Profile Picture Jun Wang 5,659 Super User
Managing Email Oversight in Business Central

In Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central, ensuring all sales invoices have been sent and tracking them can become challenging, especially if the responsible team member is not available. A common query that arises in this context is whether an administrator or someone with higher permissions can view emails sent by other accounts within Business Central.
Business Central provides a solution through "User Email View Policies". This feature allows administrators or users with the necessary permissions to oversee email activities, ensuring visibility across different user accounts and their actions.
1. Navigate to User Email View Policies: Access this section by searching for "User Email View Policies" within Business Central.
2. Create a New Policy Row: Add a new row for the user whose emails you need access to.
3. Change the Email View Policy: Modify the "Email View Policy" field to "View all emails" for the newly created row. This setting allows the designated user to view all emails, including those sent by other users.

By implementing these steps, organizations can enhance operational oversight, ensuring that no critical communications, such as sales invoices, are missed, even in the absence of the primary responsible person.
